How to get perfectly straight hair at home?

How to get perfectly straight hair at home?

How to get perfectly straight hair at home?

It's a challenge to have straight hair. So many products promise to make it easier and they're all a little bit different. Some of them have extra ingredients to relax your hair, while others have ingredients to add shine. If you're trying to find a hair straightening product that can get good results without the side effects of relaxers or perms, you're in luck! We've collected several natural home remedies that will help you get smooth, straight hair with minimal effort!

Coconut water and lemon juice

Coconut water and lemon juice can be used as a natural remedy to get your hair looking like you just walked out of the salon! It's easy to do and you'll see results in just one wash! Here's what you need: 1 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of coconut water. Mix them together and then put in your hair. Leave it in for about 15 minutes and then wash it out. Now you'll have smooth and shiny hair!

 Eggs and olive oil mask

The secret behind the fabulous hair of some of your favorite stars could be their home remedy for silky straight hair. While professional hair salons use different products for straight hair, why not try this cheap and simple recipe? The remedy is composed of 2 yolks, olive oil, sugar and an egg white. The oil, sugar and egg white are first beaten together. Then, you add the yolks, mix everything and apply it for about 20 minutes. The next step is to wash your hair with shampoo and, if you want to, you can dry your hair with a hair dryer. But if you want to keep your hair straight, leave it as it is!

Banana and papaya mask

If you have curly hair and you are looking for a way to straighten your hair, there is an easy and simple way to do so. Banana and papaya mask will straighten your hair and leave it soft. Here's how to do it: First, you get a ripe papaya and a ripe banana and you mash them up. You apply the mask and leave it on for about 15 minutes. Then you wash it off and you're guaranteed straight hair that is soft to the touch and the hair will look smooth.

Rice water rinse

The secret to having straight hair? Using a rinse that's made of rice water! It's a remedy that's been used in Asia for ages to achieve the perfect straight hair. The preparation is simple. All you need to do is boil some water and then add the rice in it. Cook for about 15 minutes and then let it sit for about an hour or two. You can then drain the water and use the rice water to rinse your hair with. The rice water will help to make your hair smoother, softer, and will minimize frizz! Plus, it'll make your hair look and feel healthier than ever!

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